Kleen Seet® the versatile, reusable seat cover and barrier that "has your back" when it counts! Designed to provide maximum breathability while maintaining a safe barrier between you and germy seats. Never before has the quality of health and hygiene in public areas been so critical and impactful. With the emergence of COVID-19, Monkeypox, and other transmittable viruses, keeping a high standard of health and hygiene is of utmost importance.
Creative, Founder


Founder, Koko


 Kleen Seet®

Kleen Seet®

...born out of necessity!
Kleen Seet®Kleen Seet®

Kleen Seet®

"The feeling of knowing that my family is protected gives me the peace-of-mind to r... — Michelle - Florida
"Well worth the investment!" — Hayden, Ohio
"Keeping it clean is for me, thank you!" — Jennifer, California

Delivery & Exchanges

We offer a variety of shipping options for your convenience!
Kleen Seet® offers a variety of shipping options to meet your needs. From standard to express shipping, we've partnered with only the most trusted carriers. We will be happy to assist you with eligible exchanges, the exchange instructions, and the shipping address. Should you need assistance, email us at contact@kleenseet.com.
We're always developing new products that endow peace of mind. Stay Tuned!